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Mastering Household Vocabulary in French: Essential Guide for Accommodation

Bonjour ! Today we're going to be talking about the subject: types of accommodation and the different rooms. You're going to learn the important vocabulary and practise with a few exercises. If you're looking for accommodation in France or just want to improve your French, this article is for you. Are you ready? Let's get started!

Discover the Names of Rooms in French

In a house or an apartment, there are different parts called rooms. Each room has a special name and use. Learning these names is essential when talking about housing in French. Let's go!

Le salon

the living room(Masculine noun)

Nous regardons la télévision dans le salon.

the living room

A common room where the family gathers to relax and entertain guests.

La cuisine

the kitchen(Feminine noun)

Elle prépare le dîner dans la cuisine.

the kitchen

The area of the house intended for meal preparation.

La chambre

the bedroom(Feminine noun)

Ma chambre est peinte en bleu.

the bedroom

A room for sleeping, often personal and decorated according to individual tastes.

Le saviez-vous ?

In Paris, in old buildings, there are small rooms under the roof. They are called "chambres de bonne". Before, these rooms were for the employees of the house. Now, they are often rented out as small studios

La salle de bains

the bathroom(Feminine noun)

Elle chante dans la salle de bains.

the bathroom

A room equipped for personal hygiene, often with a shower (une douche) or bathtub (une baignoire).

Les toilettes

the toilet(Feminine noun)

Alternatives: Le WC

Les toilettes sont au bout du couloir.

the toilet

A place dedicated to toilet use, sometimes separate from the bathroom.


the entrance(Feminine noun)

Nous avons un tapis dans l'entrée.

the entrance

The area through which one enters a dwelling, often with space for coats (manteaux) and shoes (chaussures).

Le bureau

the office(Masculine noun)

Il travaille dans son bureau jusqu'à tard.

the office

A room meant for work or study, often equipped with a computer or desk.

La salle à manger

the dining room(Feminine noun)

Nous avons une grande table dans la salle à manger.

the dining room

A room where people gather to have meals together.

Here are a few less common pieces for the more curious:

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Le grenier
the attic
Le jardin
the garden
La terrasse
the terrace
Le balcon
the balcony
Le palier
the landing
La cave
the cellar
Le garage
the garage


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The Key Vocabulary for Housing

After discovering the names of the rooms, let's explore together the important vocabulary around housing. These words will give you a solid base to better understand and discuss the topic in French.

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the apartment
La maison
the house
Le studio
the studio
Le loft
the loft
La pièce
the room
to visit
to move in
to rent
to live

Le saviez-vous ?

The house located at 39 rue du Château d'Eau is the smallest in the city of Paris. It measures only 1.1 meters wide! Despite the changes in the city, it is still there.

Here are some sentences you can use when looking for a housing in France:

"Je souhaite visiter l'appartement que vous avez mis en location."

"Je cherche à louer un studio meublé, de préférence dans un quartier calme."

"J'habite actuellement dans une petite maison."

"L'appartement que j'ai visité était très lumineux et spacieux."

"Je cherche un logement avec au moins trois pièces."


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Le saviez-vous ?

The rooftops of Paris are so iconic that they have been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Their slate-gray color and particular slope contribute to the unique aesthetic of the city. ,

A little bit of practice

You can now test your knowledge with these two exercises.




And there you have it! Now you have some keys to discuss housing in French. Don't be shy, and don't hesitate to use these new words and expressions! French is a beautiful language, and the more you use it, the more you will improve.

If you want to continue learning and practicing, we have great news for you! We've created a series of video courses for beginners that are a hit on Udemy. In these courses, you will learn more vocabulary, grammar, and you will practice your listening and pronunciation skills.

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