How to Express Opinions, Causes, and Consequences in French

October 21, 2024
Expressing une opinion, une cause, or une conséquence is essential for effective communication in French. These expressions will help you argue better and participate in conversations, with practical examples.
I. Expressing Your Opinion
To express your opinion, there are several expressions you can use depending on the context:
Je crois que
I believe thatAlternatives: Il me semble que - J'ai l'impression que
Je crois que c'est une bonne idée.
More assertive than 'I think'. Used to express an opinion with more confidence. Suitable for casual register.
Il me semble que
It seems to me thatAlternatives: Je pense que - J'ai l'impression que
Il me semble que tu devrais y réfléchir.
Less assertive, often used to express some hesitation or uncertainty. Suitable for both casual and formal register.
J'ai l'impression que
I have the impression thatAlternatives: Il me semble que - Je crois que
J'ai l'impression que le film sera intéressant.
Indicates a subjective perception. It reflects a personal opinion without certainty. Commonly used in casual registers.
À mon avis
In my opinionAlternatives: Selon moi - D'après moi
À mon avis, ce film est excellent.
Used to express a personal viewpoint. Suitable for both casual and formal registers. More neutral than 'I think'.
Selon moi
According to meAlternatives: À mon avis - Je pense que
Selon moi, il vaut mieux attendre.
Indicates an opinion based on one's own analysis. Often used in argumentative contexts. Casual to formal register.
Peut-être que
MaybeAlternatives: Il est possible que - Probablement
Peut-être qu'il viendra demain.
Used to express a hypothesis or uncertainty. Common in spoken language.
C'est possible que
It's possible thatAlternatives: Peut-être que - Il se peut que
C'est possible qu'il soit déjà parti.
Indicates a possibility without certainty. Used both in spoken and written language. Suitable for casual to formal register.
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II. Expressing the Cause
Parce que
Because(Conjunction)Alternatives: Car
Je suis resté à la maison parce qu'il pleuvait.
Very common to indicate a cause. Used in both spoken and written language, from informal to casual registers.
Because(Conjunction)Alternatives: Parce que
Je n'ai pas pu venir, car j'étais malade.
More formal than 'because'. Mostly used in written language or for a careful explanation. Casual to formal register.
À cause de
Because ofAlternatives: En raison de
Nous sommes en retard à cause de la pluie.
Often used with a negative connotation. Suitable for both spoken and written language. Casual register.
En raison de
Due toAlternatives: À cause de
L'événement a été annulé en raison du mauvais temps.
More formal than 'because of', often used in writing for neutral or formal situations. Formal register.
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III. Expressing the Consequence
Therefore(Conjunction)Alternatives: Alors
Il pleut, donc je prends mon parapluie.
Indicates a logical consequence. Used in both spoken and written language, in a casual register.
C'est pourquoi
That's whyAlternatives: C'est pour cette raison que
Il fait froid, c'est pourquoi je suis rentré.
Used to introduce a conclusion that logically follows from the preceding information. Suitable for both spoken and written language, casual register.
C'est pour cette raison que
It is for this reason thatAlternatives: C'est pourquoi - C'est la raison pour laquelle
Il a raté son train, c'est pour cette raison qu'il est arrivé en retard.
More formal phrase to express a consequence. Used in writing or careful speech. Formal register.
C'est la raison pour laquelle
This is the reason whyAlternatives: C'est pourquoi - C'est pour cette raison que
La route était fermée, c'est la raison pour laquelle nous avons pris un autre chemin.
Formal expression, often used for structured explanations. Suitable for written or formal speech. Formal register.
So(Conjunction)Alternatives: Donc
Il se faisait tard, alors je suis parti.
Very common in spoken language to express a consequence. It can also introduce a conclusion.
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"Donc" is quite common and informal, whereas "c'est pourquoi" and "c'est pour cette raison que" are more formal and often used in written contexts.
IV. Practice
You now have plenty of expressions to share your opinions, indicate a cause, or highlight a consequence. These expressions are essential for enriching your conversations in French and communicating more effectively. To go further and better master these concepts, join our courses on Udemy. You'll find structured lessons and practical exercises to help you progress quickly!
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