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10 Essential French Verbs and Expressions You Must Know




Here are some very important verbs. Mastering these verbs will make a real difference in your ability to communicate in a natural and fluid way.

These are verbs that French speakers use frequently in daily life and that often pose challenges for learners because they are difficult to translate into their language.

10 Verbs and Expressions


To join(Verb)

Alternatives: Retrouver

Je vais rejoindre des amis au café.

Go to a person or a group to be with them.

S'en aller

To leave

Alternatives: Partir - Quitter un lieu

Tu t'en vas déjà ? Oui, je dois y aller.

Used to indicate that one is leaving the place they are at to go elsewhere.

En vouloir à

To hold a grudge against

Alternatives: Être fâché contre - Reprocher quelque chose à quelqu'un

Il m'a menti, donc oui, je lui en veux.

Having resentment towards someone because of an action or behavior.


To almost do something(Verb)

Alternatives: Être sur le point de

J'ai failli rater le train, c'était juste !

Indicates that an event almost happened but did not eventually occur.

Valoir le coup

To be worth it

Alternatives: En valoir la peine

Tu crois que ça vaut le coup ?

Indicates that an action or experience is beneficial or worth doing.

Faire exprès

To do something on purpose

Alternatives: Faire volontairement

Je ne l'ai pas fait exprès, promis !

To act with a specific intention, with a precise goal.

Tenir le coup

To hold on

Alternatives: Résister - Supporter - Ne pas abandonner

C'était dur, mais j'ai tenu le coup jusqu'à la fin.

To stay strong in front of difficulty, continue despite fatigue or challenges.

Ne pas s'en faire

To not worry(Verb)

Alternatives: Rester calme - Ne pas s'inquiéter

Ne t'en fais pas, tout va bien se passer !

Not letting worry or stress take over.

Avoir du mal à

To struggle with(Verb)

Alternatives: Peiner à - Éprouver des difficultés à

J'ai du mal à comprendre cette expression.

Failing to do something or struggling to achieve it.

Faire semblant (de)

To pretend(Verb)

Alternatives: Simuler - Prétendre

Il a fait semblant d'être surpris.

To take on an attitude or behavior to give a false impression.





By learning these verbs, you're taking a big step toward better mastering French. These words are essential for understanding and expressing yourself more easily in everyday situations.

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