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Improve Your French Vacation Vocabulary


Hello everyone! Today, we are going to dive into the holiday atmosphere. Whether you are planning your vacation or just want to learn more about French holiday vocabulary, this lesson is for you!

Holiday Activities

In this section, we review a variety of activities. Here is how the French enjoy their free time.

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the aperitif
le soleil
the sun
une balade
a walk
la fête
the party
la plage
the beach
des monuments historiques
historic monuments
la pétanque
un concert
a concert
un festival
a festival
en ville
in the city
au spa
at the spa
la faune locale
local wildlife
à la belle étoile
under the stars
un vélo
a bike
une voiture
a car
un van
a van
une maison de vacances
a vacation home

Holiday Verbs and Actions

Discovering essential verbs that enliven holiday stories is crucial for expressing yourself in French. Learn the most common verbs to talk about your vacation.

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to take
to do
profiter de
to enjoy
to visit
jouer à
to play
assister à
to attend
se balader
to stroll
participer à
to participate in
to discover
to sleep
to rent
to see
rendre visite à
to visit (someone)

Common Holiday Expressions

Expressions make the language lively and colorful. Here are some popular expressions regularly used during holidays.

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changer d'air
to get a change of scenery
avoir le mal de mer
to be seasick
prendre du bon temps
to have a good time
attraper un coup de soleil
to get sunburned
ça vaut le coup d'œil
it's worth seeing
le train-train quotidien
daily routine
partir à l'aventure
to go on an adventure
perdre le nord
to lose one's bearings
faire d'une pierre deux coups
to kill two birds with one stone
mettre les voiles
to set sail



Ready for a holiday in France? With all the vocabulary and expressions you have learned, all that's left is to pack your bags! Imagine yourself already savoring a coffee on a Parisian terrace or relaxing on the beaches of the Côte d'Azur 😊.

Keep exploring, learning, and most importantly, having fun with French. For more linguistic adventures, don't forget to visit our courses on Udemy.

Thank you for your interest, and keep up the good work!