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Discovering the Neighborhood: Essential Vocabulary for Local Life

In everyday life, knowing the vocabulary of the neighborhood is essential. It helps us to live better together and discover the services and leisure activities at our doorstep. This article presents the key words to navigate your neighborhood, whether you are new or already well settled.

Community Life

The heart of a neighborhood beats thanks to its inhabitants and the community life that develops there. Here are the essential words to know:

un voisin

a neighbor(Masculine noun)

Alternatives: un riverain

Mon voisin aime jardiner le weekend.

The term neighbor (voisin) refers to someone living next to or near one's home. It can also evoke a sense of community within a neighborhood.

une voisine

a neighbor - female(Feminine noun)

Ma voisine prépare souvent des gâteaux pour les enfants du quartier.

A 'voisine' is the feminine equivalent of neighbor, referring to a woman living next to or near one's home.

une fête de quartier

a neighborhood party

Alternatives: une célébration communautaire

La fête de quartier a lieu chaque année en juin.

A neighborhood party (fête de quartier) is an event where residents of the same area come together to celebrate, often organized by local associations.

le centre communautaire

the community center(Masculine noun)

Le centre communautaire organise des cours de yoga le samedi.

A community center (centre communautaire) is a place where community members can gather for social, educational, or recreational activities.

un jardin partagé

a community garden(Masculine noun)

Nous avons planté des tomates dans le jardin partagé.

A community garden (jardin partagé) is a green space collectively cultivated by the residents of a neighborhood.

un propriétaire

a landlord/owner(Masculine noun)

Alternatives: un bailleur

Mon propriétaire a accepté de réparer la fuite d'eau.

The landlord/owner (propriétaire) is the legal owner of a property and can rent it out to a tenant.

un locataire

a tenant(Masculine noun)

Le locataire a signé un bail de trois ans.

A tenant (locataire) is someone who rents a property from a landlord.

un syndicat de copropriété

a homeowners' association(Masculine noun)

Le syndicat de copropriété a voté pour la rénovation de la façade.

A homeowners' association (syndicat de copropriété) is an organization of homeowners of a building or residential complex to manage the common areas.

un concierge

a concierge/caretaker(Masculine noun)

Le concierge a nettoyé l'escalier ce matin.

A concierge/caretaker (concierge) is a person responsible for the supervision and maintenance of a building.

une réunion de quartier

a neighborhood meeting(Feminine noun)

La prochaine réunion de quartier aura lieu jeudi prochain.

A neighborhood meeting (réunion de quartier) is a gathering of neighborhood residents to discuss topics of common interest.



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Le saviez-vous ?

La fête des voisins, also known as "Immeubles en fête", is an initiative born in France in 1999. It encourages people from all neighborhoods to meet and create community bonds to break the isolation that can exist in urban environments.

Infrastructure and Services

A neighborhood also functions thanks to its infrastructure and services. Familiarize yourself with these terms:

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une école
a school
un arrêt de bus
a bus stop
une pharmacie
a pharmacy
un marché
a market
un parc
a park
un supermarché
a supermarket
une poste
a post office
une mairie
a town hall
un service d'urgence
an emergency service
des poubelles de tri
recycling bins



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Culture and Leisure

Neighborhood life is also about enjoying moments of relaxation and culture. Discover the related vocabulary:

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un café
a café
une salle de sport
a gym
une galerie d'art
an art gallery
un restaurant
a restaurant
un cinéma
a cinema
un théâtre
a theater
une librairie
a bookstore
un parcours de santé
a fitness trail
un club de loisirs
a leisure club



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Put into practice what you've learned! Here are some exercises to test your knowledge of neighborhood vocabulary. Answer the questions and try to increase the difficulty.



Knowing the specific vocabulary of the neighborhood not only helps you to navigate your daily environment, but also to integrate into the local community. We hope this article has been useful in enriching your vocabulary and improving your neighborhood living experience.

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